16' Quintaton
8' Principal
8' Erzahler Celeste (Ch)
8' Erzahler (Ch)
8' Bourdon
8' Salicional
5 1/3' Grosse Quinte
4' Octave
4' Rohrfloete
3 1/5' Grosse Tierce
2' Super Octave
2 2/3' Quinte
Fourniture IV
Great 16
Great 4
Great Unison Off
Swell Manual III, Enclosed
16' Bourdon
8' Voix Celeste
8' Viole de Gambe
8' Bourdon
8' Principal
4' Flute Harmonique
2 2/3' Nazard
2' Doublette
Plain Jeu IV
16' Bassoon
8' Trompette Harmonique
8' Hautbois
8' Voix Humaine
4' Clarion Harmonique
Swell 4
Swell 16
Swell Unison Off
Positiv (Antiphonal) Manual IV, Unenclosed
Exposed pipework on facade
8' Nason Flute
4' Cor de Nuit
2' Principal
1 1/3' Larigot
1 Piccolo Harmonique
Cymbale III
Positiv (Ant) 16
Positiv (Ant) Unison Off
Antiphonal Manual IV, Rear Gallery Unenclosed
Flemish Bells
8' Gedeckt
8' Viole Bourdaine
4' Nachthorn
Grave Mixture II
Antiphonal 16
Antiphonal 4
Antiphonal Unison Off
General 1-10 Thumb & Toe
Pedal 1-8 Thumb and Toe
Choir 1-6
Positiv (Choir) 1-3
Great 1-8
Swell 1-8
Positiv (Ant) 1-3
Antiphonal 1-3
General Cancel
Reversible Pistons
Stop knobs to Bells/Chimes were originally wired to
a Schulmerich Chime System.
At this writing (Feb. 2008), the Central Presbyterian congregation has for all intents and purposes
folded as a congregation (thanks to an extremely disagreeable pastor and block of Session members who always voted
with him, and a disinterested local Presbytery, but that's a LONG story... email me for details if interested), and has sold the
campus of buildings that includes the main sanctuary that houses this organ. The Moller organ did not convey with the purchase and remains the
property of the Central congregation, but it is being listed for sale and eventually will be removed from the building.